What is a CAC A Child Advocacy Center is a child-focused facility for:
Forensic Interviews- Forensic interviews are neutral, non-biased and aimed at eliciting facts from children in a developmentally appropriate manner.
Multidisciplinary Team Case Reviews- Child Advocacy Centers coordinate a multidisciplinary team for response to child abuse allegations.
Therapy- Child Advocacy Centers offer free mental health services for victims and their families.
Court Preparation- Child Advocacy Centers offer victim support and advocacy to clients throughout the investigation and legal proceedings. They conduct case tracking and monitor case progress.
Community Education & Prevention- Child Advocacy Centers train adults on how to better protect children from child sexual abuse.
To learn more about what a CAC is, click here to watch a video description.
What To Expect The Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) helps children speak with trained interviewers about abuse. A team of professionals, including law enforcement and social workers, supports the process. Children are interviewed in a comfortable room with a hidden camera, and the interview is observed by professionals to reduce stress. Before the interview, explain to your child that the CAC is a safe place to talk about what happened and that they should tell the truth. The Forensic Interviewer will ask questions in a gentle way, aiming to make your child feel safe. You cannot watch the interview, but a support person can stay with you in the waiting area. After the interview, you can discuss the case with the team. If a medical exam is needed, the team will arrange it. Do not discuss the abuse with your child unless they want to talk. If needed, the CAC team can assist with therapy and counseling, which can help your child recover from trauma. After the investigation, the District Attorney decides whether to prosecute. If your child needs to testify, the CAC staff will help prepare them.
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