WHO WE ARE BlackBelt Regional Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a nonprofit organization located in Demopolis, Alabama, serving Greene, Marengo, and Sumter Counties. Our mission is to provide a safe, supportive environment for children who have experienced abuse or neglect, while offering essential services to their families. We work closely with local law enforcement, child protective services, counselors , caseworkers, and other professionals to ensure that children receive the care and justice they deserve.
Meet our team
Executive Director and Forensic Interviewer
Executive Assistant and Family Advocate
Our board of directors
Greg Griggers (President) Darren Glass (Vice President) Woody Dinning, Jr. Dawn Hewitt Robert Alston Emily Guin Susanna Naisbett- Treasurer
Our Community Partners
Department of Human Resources (Greene, Marengo and Sumter County) 17th Circuit Law Enforcement Agencies District Attorney's Office Mental Health Medical Community Local School Districts
The Center
208 North Strawberry Ave • Demopolis
The Black Belt Regional Child Advocacy Center is a child-friendly place where children of all ages may speak with specially trained interviewers about allegations of child abuse.
Think you need to talk to someone?
Reach out to us in whatever way you feel most comfortable - call or email. We're here for you.